Does your HubSpot account need an audit?

If your marketing team has been working with a HubSpot account to manage your marketing contacts and other digital efforts, you probably fit into one of three categories:

  • Super happy
  • Super confused
  • Super apathetic

If you’re in one (or both) of the last two categories, we think we can help.

When setup and utilized correctly, HubSpot is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools a business can use to grow leads, build a first-person data set, and optimize marketing efforts across all channels. The thing is, we encounter many new clients where something went sideways for them and they’re not using HubSpot to its fullest potential anymore. It makes us sad. If this is you, don’t feel bad. You’re not alone.

What Went Wrong and Why?

Maybe a previous agency (or internal employee) set it up and now they’re gone, leaving you with a system you didn’t integrate or fully understand. Or maybe you once found joy in bouncing around HubSpot’s playground right after you first purchased an account and started plugging in your various marketing platforms. Maybe you even created a few blogs, forms, or other content, but the honeymoon is now over, and HubSpot is more of an afterthought if it’s thought of at all.

Trust us when we say that’s not unusual, and we hear it all the time. Also trust us when we say we can help turn that around and put you (and your boss) into the “super happy” category in no time.

What’s needed to do that? A HubSpot audit.

Why Bother With an Audit at All?

Why mess with something you find no joy in? Simple: more money for your bottom line. And we’re not just talking money via increased leads, like the original reason you jumped into HubSpot to begin with, but also through finding the various SAS platforms your business has collected over the years but either no longer needs, or that duplicate other SAS you’re also paying for.

Think of it as a decluttering of your digital platforms. Don’t need that $400 a month Mailchimp account because your HubSpot account has the same features and functionality (and then some)? Get rid of it.

You’d be surprised how much digital waste businesses create over time. Identifying those redundancies and eliminating them can free up both budgets and frustrations.

Turn Your Website, Social, and Emails (Back) Into a Lead-Generating Monster

But there’s more to an audit than just saving dough, although we love that reason alone.

Scrubbing contact lists, checking your workflows, notifications, checking domain integrations and plug-in opportunities can also breathe new life into an old HubSpot account. And once it’s back in fighting shape, and paired with a strong content strategy [link to forthcoming article on content strategy], HubSpot will quickly turn itself back into a sales machine focused on bringing in new leads to your sales cycle.

We may be biased as an official HubSpot Partner, but we’re a HubSpot Partner because we believe in the magic of the service and results we see it deliver for clients every day.

If you’re ready, we’d like to help you rediscover the magic, too.

Ready To Get Started?


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