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Vertical vs. horizontal video for B2B brands

Vertical videos have emerged as a dominant force in social media, pulling audiences in with their full-screen, immersive experiences. As businesses look to leverage these trends, platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels offer untapped potential for storytelling and engagement. But what makes vertical videos so compelling for marketing efforts, especially in a B2B context? Let’s dive in.

The Advantages of Vertical Videos in Marketing

Higher Engagement Rates: Vertical videos command attention by filling the entire screen, eliminating on-screen distractions and fostering a more personal connection with viewers. This format has shown significant increases in engagement rates, making it a powerful tool for marketers aiming to capture and retain audience attention.

Mobile Optimization: The overwhelming majority of social media browsing occurs on mobile devices, making vertical videos an optimized viewing experience. This seamless, user-friendly experience is exactly what customers expect on their mobile devices.

Immersive Experience: The vertical format lends itself to creating immersive experiences that can transport viewers into the story. For B2B marketers, this means an opportunity to present their brand, products, and services in ways that are both engaging and memorable.

Why Should B2B Businesses Care About Vertical Videos?

Increasing B2B Presence on Social Platforms: The lines between B2B and B2C platforms are blurring. B2B audiences are active on platforms once considered strictly B2C, seeking content that’s informative yet engaging. This shift presents a huge opportunity for B2B marketers to reach their audience where they already spend a majority of their time.

Brand Storytelling: Vertical videos allow B2B brands to tell their stories in ways that resonate deeply with viewers. Through compelling narratives, businesses can showcase their values, culture, and the people behind their products, building a stronger, more relatable brand image overall.

Innovative Product Showcases: Demonstrating functionality and benefits of B2B products or services through vertical videos can make even the most complex offerings accessible and interesting to your audiences.

Search Engine Opportunities: Not only are platforms like YouTube and TikTok opportunities to showcase vertical video, they’re also two of the top three search engines in the world. Yep. Google Search is (of course) number one, but YouTube and TikTok are numbers two and three, respectively. And the content they serve from searches aren’t webpages, they’re video.

Harnessing the Potential of Video Marketing in B2B Manufacturing

Key Platforms for B2B Vertical Video Content

TikTok: Its algorithm tend to favor engaging, creative content, making TikTok a prime platform for B2B marketers to reach new audiences. The informal, authentic nature of TikTok content allows businesses to present a more relatable and approachable side. Bonus: You can also dust off your brand photos and create slideshows and photographic posts there as well as video.

YouTube Shorts: Leveraging YouTube’s extensive user base, Shorts provide a way to connect short-form content with your brand’s more detailed, long-form content, boosting visibility and SEO in the process. Did we mention in addition to being the world’s second largest search engine, YouTube also has over 2 billion users? A video content strategy is a no-brainer here.

Instagram Reels: With its integration into Instagram’s ecosystem, Reels enables businesses to engage with their existing audience in new, dynamic ways, promoting higher interaction rates and brand visibility. Bonus: Share that Instagram content seamlessly with Meta’s flagship platform, Facebook at the same time.

Vertical Video Ideas for B2B Marketers

Behind-the-Scenes Tours: Humanize your brand by offering a peek into your daily operations or the making of your product. This transparency builds trust and fosters a deeper connection with your audience.

Expert Interviews: Condense insights from industry leaders or internal experts into bite-sized, digestible content. This not only positions your brand as a thought leader but also provides valuable knowledge to your audience.

Product Demos and How-To’s: Educate your audience on the value and applications of your product or service with quick, informative videos. Demonstrating your product in action can significantly influence buying decisions.

Customer Testimonials: Share brief, powerful statements from satisfied customers. Positive feedback from real users can greatly enhance your brand’s credibility and appeal.

Event Highlights: Capturing key moments from industry events or webinars showcases your brand’s active involvement and leadership within your sector, enhancing your company’s profile among peers and customers alike.

Top to Bottom, Vertical Video is Here to Stay

Vertical videos are more than just a trend; they’re a powerful tool that B2B marketers can no longer afford to overlook. By embracing this format, businesses can unlock new levels of engagement, reach, and brand loyalty from their customers and potential customers. The platforms and content ideas outlined above are just the starting point. The real potential of vertical videos lies in the creativity and authenticity of the content you choose to share.

As we move forward into a digital and mobile-first world, the importance of adapting and innovating your marketing strategies cannot be overstated. Vertical videos offer a unique opportunity to connect with your audience in a more personal, impactful way. So, why wait? Start brainstorming your vertical video strategy today and explore the endless possibilities of this engaging format.


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