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Get early access: HubSpot’s (kind of) hidden beta features

In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B marketing, staying ahead of the curve is vital. HubSpot, one of the most well-known names in the world of CRM and marketing automation, regularly introduces beta features to provide users with a sneak peek into the future of their platform. But should you use them? Let’s delve into what HubSpot’s beta features are, where to find them, how to opt-in, and whether you should consider experimenting with them.

What are HubSpot’s Beta Features?

Before we jump into the practical aspects, let’s discuss what these beta features actually are. In the world of software development, “beta” refers to a phase in which a product is made available to a select group of users for testing before its official release. In HubSpot’s context, beta features are experimental functionalities that are not yet fully polished or available to all users. They serve two primary purposes:

  1. Testing New Capabilities: HubSpot uses beta features to gather user feedback and iron out any issues before rolling out these features to their wider user base.
  2. Sneak Peek into the Future: Beta features give users an opportunity to get a glimpse of what’s in the pipeline for HubSpot’s platform and how it could impact their marketing strategies.

Past beta features have included everything from new analytics tools to enhanced email marketing functionalities. These have eventually become core components of HubSpot, underlining the importance of keeping an eye on what’s in their Beta pipeline.

Where to Find HubSpot’s Beta Features

So where do you even find these intriguing features within HubSpot’s extensive ecosystem? They’re not all that obvious, but there’s a specific place you can go to find them and select which ones are right for you. Let’s break it down:

The Beta Features Portal

If you’re a super admin on your HubSpot account, there is a dedicated portal for beta features (if you’re not a super admin, find out who is and contact them). This is where you can find detailed information about each experimental feature, including what it does, how it works, and what to expect. It’s your go-to resource for exploring what’s in the Beta pipeline.

To find it, if you’re logged in just click your account name in the upper-right corner of HubSpot. It’s the menu item there called “Product Updates”. From that page, click “Betas” under “Early Access” on the left side. To join a beta, just click the “Join Beta” button and you’ll be walked through some access options.

Notifications and Emails

Keep an eye on notifications and emails from HubSpot. The platform regularly sends updates about new beta features and invites users to participate. Don’t ignore these messages; they often contain valuable opportunities to get in on the ground floor of exciting new tools.

A Word of Caution: While experimenting with beta features can be exciting, it’s essential to approach it with a degree of caution. Beta features are not fully polished and might have bugs or limitations. It’s advisable to test them in a controlled environment before incorporating them into critical campaigns or workflows. Always have a backup plan in case things don’t go as expected!

Should You Mess with HubSpot’s Beta Features?

The million-dollar question: Is it worth your time and effort to delve into beta features? The answer isn’t a one-size-fits-all, and it largely depends on your specific circumstances. Let’s weigh the pros and cons.

Advantages of Using Beta Features

  1. Competitive Advantage: By embracing new features early, you can gain a competitive advantage in the market. You’ll be among the first to leverage the latest tools for your B2B marketing efforts.
  2. Influence Product Development: HubSpot values user feedback. Your input can shape the development of these features and ensure they align with your needs and objectives.
  3. Enhanced Efficiency: Beta features often introduce time-saving functionalities that can streamline your marketing processes.

Risks and Considerations

  1. Bugs and Issues: Beta features are experimental, and they might have bugs or unexpected issues that could disrupt your workflow.
  2. Not Suitable for All Scenarios: Not every Beta Feature will be relevant to your specific needs. It’s essential to assess whether the feature aligns with your marketing objectives.
  3. Training and Adaptation: Using beta features might require adjustments to your team’s workflow and necessitate training to fully benefit from them.

When to Consider Beta Features

Here’s a practical approach to deciding when to experiment with beta features:

  1. For Early Adopters: If your organization values innovation and has a culture of early adoption, exploring beta features can be a natural fit.
  2. Non-Critical Projects: Start by testing beta features in non-critical projects or campaigns. This way, any issues won’t have a significant impact on your core activities.
  3. User Feedback: If you’re enthusiastic about contributing to the development of HubSpot and shaping the platform’s future, beta features are a great way to do so.

As a HubSpot Certified Partner, we’ve found that integrating beta features into our strategies can be a game-changer.

Best Practices for Testing Beta Features

If you’ve decided to dive into beta features, here are some best practices to make the most of your experience:

  1. Communication: Ensure your team is aware of your experiments with beta features. Clear communication can help everyone adapt and contribute to the testing process.
  2. Feedback: Provide constructive feedback to HubSpot. They value user insights and use them to refine and improve beta features.
  3. Monitoring: Continuously monitor the performance and impact of beta features on your marketing efforts. Be ready to pivot if issues arise.
  4. Documentation: Keep detailed records of your experiences and findings. This documentation can be invaluable for future reference.

In the world of B2B marketing, staying on the cutting edge is crucial. HubSpot’s beta features offer a unique opportunity to gain a competitive edge and influence the future of the platform.

Interested in hearing about other new HubSpot features introduced at their INBOUND conference? We have you covered.


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