HubSpot’s INBOUND 23 preview

Welcome back to another edition of Little Talks with Littlefield Agency, where we talk all things digital marketing as we head into the mad dash of September and Q4. It’s a great week here in Oklahoma (and a busy one). We’ve enjoyed the numerous in-person client meetings to prepare for 2024 marketing and media planning. 

Roop and Sam focus on today’s main topic: HubSpot’s annual INBOUND conference. Roop attended last year and loved it. Next week, he and Taylor Bartley will ship out to Boston for the 2023 event. This year’s sessions include AI usage, Sales Hub updates, B2B strategies for growing inbound leads, and much, much more.

Listen in as Roop gives you a glimpse of what INBOUND offers. You better believe we will cover all of their top takeaways when they return on September 14. 

Thanks for listening, and talk to you in a couple of weeks! 

– Roop, Sam, Brandon & Brenda

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Reimagining B2B branding


Reimagining B2B branding

Little Talks


The power of micro-moments in B2B marketing

The Ethics of AI


The ethics of AI in B2B marketing

Let's Do This