New ad options for Bing AI chat and Instagram

Welcome back to this week’s digital trends with your hosts, Sam and Roop, and of course, the best producer out there, Brandon! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. It’s a short week for us at the agency with the extended weekend, so it’s full steam ahead here in Tulsa, OK.

There are so many great things happening right now. One of the best things? Our very own Chelsea is pregnant with her third son! We are so happy for her and her family. We are growing the Littlefield Agency one kiddo at a time!

Roop and Sam cruise through today’s digital trends, so we will cruise right on into our two topics for this week—both are very applicable for your B2B brand in the coming days/weeks:

Microsoft’s Bing Chatbot Is Getting More Ads

Since February, Microsoft has been testing ads on Bing and incorporating them into the chat experience. These ads appear as sponsored links and inside shopping results. While Microsoft intends to share ad revenue with partners whose content contributed to chat responses, how they plan to balance ad and non-ad responses remains to be determined.

Our Take: Roop and Sam saw this coming; we are sure many other marketers did, too. How does your B2B brand give it a go? More to come on this, but worth a listen on how Sam and Roop anticipate this rolling out.

Instagram Adds Reminder Ads And Promoted Results In Search

In a few months, Instagram plans to launch two new ad options. The first is Reminder Ads, allowing users to opt into reminders before an event. Secondly, the platform intends to test ads appearing in users’ feeds from their search results.

Our Take: We love anything that involves new ad options! This should be happening any day now, so how does your B2B brand jump ahead of the game here?

We will see you all next week. Until then!

  • Roop, Sam & Brandon

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