Our final HubSpot INBOUND takeaways (for awhile) and why B2B vertical video is here to stay

Howdy and hello! Another day, another podcast from your favorite dynamic duo. We report in on our agency outing to the Tulsa State Fair and a great visit with our client Trencor as they journeyed from Ohio for a fascinating download on the business. The agency is headed to Cabin Boys Brewery this evening for our annual Oktoberfest outing—we are pumped!

Roop rounds out his serialized content takeaways from HubSpot’s INBOUND marketing conference. No doubt he did a great job reporting back and we are hitting the ground running implementing away for all of our B2B clients.

Final HubSpot Takeaways—Let’s Talk Social Media

We will keep this high-level, but below you will see some quick bullets on what’s going on with these latest social media platforms:


  • Organic reach is tied to Facebook’s stock price. The lower the stock price, the more money they want and less organic reach you get for a non-paid post. BOO!
  • 5+ minute videos get the best reach and 81% more engagement

Our take: Facebook is money hungry and we are not fans. While an older platform, there is still relevancy for our B2B audiences given those 40+ years old still interact with this platform.


  • Live content is king. 80% of users prefer live content to reading a blog post
  • To do well, they are encouraging live content 2x per week

Our take: They have been capitalizing on video, so there is no surprise here. Should you not want to go the live route, Reels are still highly encouraged as you incorporate into your current content strategy mix.


  • 50% of the audience is B2B
  • User comments within first 4 hours of a post influences reach
  • Only 1% of users create content on LinkedIn, and they crave it for their feeds

Our take: We experimented with our own agency on posting content and immediately having most of the agency comment with that post. We saw a significant reach and engagement compared to other posts with few to no comments. We encourage you to experiment here internally as well. Keep in mind, posting on LinkedIn as a B2B brand is still a good thing for awareness. As your team plans for 2023, be thinking about how “thought leaders” or experts within your industry can help promote your product or brand. Users are more likely to engage with individuals as opposed to company pages.


  • Within the first 24 hours of posting, you want to gain as many views as possible for the best reach

Our take: Think about supplementing new videos through an email and social strategy in addition to posting on your YouTube page. This significantly helps your reach and engagement, and that’s key for YouTube right now.


  • The first serious challenge to Google Search in 20 years.
  • Same SEO best practices apply here: keyword rich captions
  • Vertical video works across nearly every major platform now, USE IT!

Our take: We’re not trying to exhaust this topic, but HubSpot’s INBOUND confirmed what we’ve been hammering: TikTok is now part of your SEO strategy. That second bullet is key! Per the third bullet, that is a nice segue into our second digital trend.

YouTube Adds New Vertical Video Conversions as it Leans into Short Form Video

YouTube’s looking to help advertisers align with evolving video consumption trends by testing out a new process that automatically reformats landscape video ads into square or vertical. “We found that when advertisers added a vertical creative asset to their Video action campaigns, they delivered 10-20% more conversions per dollar on YouTube Shorts than campaigns that used landscape assets alone.”

Our take: Vertical video is here to stay. Video libraries are going to need some tweaking given the crazy amount of horizontal video that currently exists. It will happen, Roop alludes to his Blockbuster days!

See you next week. Prost!

  • Roop & Sam

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