Start your own podcast (and learn from our mistakes)

Roop & Sam have learned a thing or two after the last three years of podcasting. We’ve talked to a lot of B2B prospects and clients who have considered podcasting, but hesitate because they don’t know where to start.

Fear no more, we have your tips and tricks on how to get going with your own podcast. While blogs are great for SEO purposes, podcasts really bring to life your brand, and your B2B personnel. At the end of the day, great companies do business with great people. There is no better way (except face-to-face) to give people a taste of who you are and what you bring to the table than by podcasting. 

Listen in this week to hear how to get started and most importantly what not to do—trust us, we’ve learned a lot through trial and error over the last 3 years!

See you next week with a special guest coming all the way from Dallas!

– Brenda, Brandon, Claudia, Roop & Sam 

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Reimagining B2B branding


Reimagining B2B branding

Little Talks


The power of micro-moments in B2B marketing

The Ethics of AI


The ethics of AI in B2B marketing

Let's Do This