The return of Chelsea Clement

She’s back. Sam’s away and Chelsea has come to play, including announcements on her future run for office, stinky office food, and her run-in with Tiger Woods at the PGA Championship in Tulsa this past weekend. Heaven help us (and Tiger).

Roop and The Future President of the United States also discuss a couple of digital trends around YouTube, Instagram, and the content creator universe.

YouTube Adds New Live Stream Features, Including Live Guests, Full-Screen Mode and More

YouTube has previewed some coming updates for YouTube Live, including live stream guests, new notifiers for when a channel is broadcasting in the app, and updated viewing options.

Our take: Likely in a move to lure content creators away from other platforms, YouTube is investing in several new Live streaming features that make it easy to connect and engage with fans in real-time. For example, a new pilot program, “Go Live Together”, will allow creators to invite guests to livestreams by sending a link. “Live Rings” will also help viewers identify when channel creators are going live, like what users are used to seeing on platforms like Instagram.

Instagram Wants More Original Content on It’s Platform

Along with the recent rollout of product tagging we discussed above, IG has announced that they are going to start ranking for originality. So the days of sharing your TikTok video to your IG page will soon be looked down upon. Same goes for repurposing old content over time, or…

Our take: We’re here for it. We recommend original content given that each platform generally has a different audience and authenticity is a big proponent of good social engagement, but since identifying ‘originality’ is hard, we’ll have to see how this plays out over time.

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