Twitter and Snapchat on the rise

It’s a beautiful morning in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Roop and Sam enjoy a cup of coffee—not a sand smoothie via Chelsea. Yep, we absolutely continue this discussion given how wildly inappropriate this gesture is!

We kick off with updates from the weekend—Matt Matt’s first birthday party, March Madness bracket busters, and the continuation of Aimee’s revelation about Chelsea’s sand smoothies growing up. 

The digital trends we dive into today:

Twitter Adds 6 Million Users in Q4, Crosses $5 Billion in Total Revenue for the Year

Twitter’s first quarter in the post Jack Dorsey era seems to have gone okay, with the platform adding 6-million more users, and posting a 22% YoY increase in revenue.

Our Take: Twitter is almost as old as Facebook, but feels like the younger player these days. The simplicity of this platform makes it always easy for users to use.

Twitter Says that Its Prompts on Potentially Offensive Tweet Replies Reduced Negative Interactions by 30%

Last February, Twitter re-launched its test of warning prompts on tweet replies which Twitter’s automated systems had determined could contain potentially offensive remarks.

Our Take: Well done, Twitter. 1/3 reduced negative interactions is a big win given the chaotic digital world we’re living in.

Snapchat Rises to 319 Million Daily Users, Posts Strong Revenue Result for Q4

Snapchat added more users, while it also posted a strong revenue result for Q4, as it continues to establish its role as a key connective platform for younger audiences, in alternative to the larger social media players.

Our Take: 319 million overall daily users is nothing to sneeze at, but to put it in perspective: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube have billions (with a ‘b’). Still a decent brand awareness play for marketing opportunities like B2B Trade shows.

Big news! We’re at 99 subscribers, steak (and lobster) dinner here we come! Catch you next week. Who will be our 100th subscriber? We will never know, but we love you. 

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