What just bumped Netflix from No. 2 most-popular app for the under 35 crowd?

Sam’s out sick (steak dinner date put on hold), but fear not, we have a stand-in, and it’s not Chelsea for once! New Littlefielder (and Bill Hader impersonator) Tom Phenicie joins Roop on the mics to discuss recent visits to TBK Bank, which podcasts and streaming services are worth your time, and, of course, digital marketing trends.

TikTok Replaces Netflix as Second Most-Popular App for Those Under 35

TikTok has jumped over Netflix to become the second most popular app in the United States among people under 35, according to new research Omdia shared with Marketing Dive.

Our Take: Netflix has had a rough year. Maybe their new ad-served platform will turn things around. More inventory for media departments!

TikTok Introduces Photo Mode for Still Images and Longer Video Captions

TikTok has added a new Photo Mode feature which closely resembles the Instagram platform. Users can now post images and carousels for others to scroll through and view. Music can also be added to these still photos, which can automatically play or be swiped through by viewers. Additionally, TikTok has announced that video captions will now be 2,200 characters instead of the previous 300. This big jump is a reflection of how users, particularly younger users, engage with the app and use it as a discovery platform.

Our Take: Bring on the challenge to Instagram! Other platforms have been content to borrow ideas from TikTok, and now the app has begun to borrow from them.

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