Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection mess

Happy (early) Independence Day! The agency is looking forward to a long holiday weekend with friends and family, and hope you have a good one, too. So on a short week, we have a quick topic we’ve been wanting cover for awhile: Apple Mail vs. Everybody’s Analytics.

Apple Mail has been the scourge of the email marketing world for quite a while now, and with their recent announcement regarding Mail updates, it doesn’t look like that’s going to improve. So this week we thought we would jump in and outline what Apple has done already, what it will be rolling out with future updates, and how it effects email marketing analytics.

As users’ privacy concerns continue to become a big deal, obstacles like Apple has put in place will likely continue and even spread to other services like Gmail and Outlook. Still, email is still one of the most affordable and effective marketing tools available, even with reporting hassles like this.

— Roop, Sam, and Brandon

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